Tip: Don't squeeze lime juice, then go directly out to the sun without washing your hands thorougly first.
You might get this:
One day I made satay sauce and squeezed one lime into the mixture, didn't really wash my hands since it was just lime juice, and went outside to eat lunch. (It was very sunny) The next day I woke up with the long stripe on my hand, thinking that's so weird because I did not burn myself, or scratch myself yesterday. The days after, the dark spot on my thumb, and small freckles started appearing on both my hands.
I thought that maybe I would just get freckles like most people do here in Scandinavia, (even though I have never had it before) but then I started to worry. What if I had permanently sun damaged my skin?? I heard that many people in Asia gets dark spots on their face, and it never fades away.. (One of the reasons why many uses umbrellas?)
So I went to the doctor, who did not know anything about this. Leaving it to myself to solve the mystery (and with some help by Google), I found out that the combination of lime/lemon or mango juice with sun exposure can cause skin discoloration. (Brown spots) And it totally makes sense. The "stripe" must be lime juice that dripped down my hand, and when I squeezed the lime, some splashes must have gotten to my hands (hence, getting the "freckles". And the big dark spot on my thumb, is probably just a lot of lime juice.
Now I had it for three weeks, and it started to fade. I guess it will be completely faded away after one or two months. (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/beauty/brown-spots-hands-96372.html)
Bottom line: If you are making mojitos out in the sun, or anything else containing lime, always remember to wash your hands afterwards! (Or wear gloves)
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